Friday, May 22, 2020

Till Time Performance Of Live Given Trades

Till Time Performance:-

* MCX Gold +88000/-Rs.
* MCX Zinc +31500/-Rs.
* MCX CrudeOil -68000/-Rs.
* BankNifty +31500/-Rs.
* NaturalGas +26000/-Rs.
* HDFC Call Option -48000/-Rs.
* Nifty -82800/-Rs.
* IGL +73425/-Rs.
* TataGlobal  +109200/-Rs.
* Lead +31250/-Rs.
* BharatForg +46800/-Rs.
* YesBank +55440/-Rs.
* TataMotors Ce +75000/-Rs
* Nickel +30000/-Rs
* CrudeOil +32500/-Rs
* Silver +75000/-Rs
* PFC +78120/-Rs
* Zinc +57000/-Rs
* MCX Gold +68000/-Rs
* MCX NaturalGas +44250/-Rs
* Nifty CE Option +71250/-Rs
* Tatamotors +35100/-Rs
* CrudeOil +64000/-Rs
* CrudeOil +47500/-Rs
* MCX Gold +64000/-Rs
* MCX NaturalGas +75000/-Rs
* L&T +86400/-Rs
* MCX Copper +82500/-Rs
* L&TFh +145600/-Rs
* BHEL +76810/-Rs
* NATURALGAS +52500/-Rs
* Nifty CE +38250/-Rs
* Nifty CE +25875/-Rs
* Nifty CE -140250/-Rs.
* MCX CrudeOil +75000/-Rs.
* Nifty Future +106875/-Rs
* MCX CrudeOil +78000/-Rs.
* MCX ZincMini +75000/-Rs.
* NATURALGAS +52500/-Rs
* MCX CrudeOil +52500/-Rs.
* MCX Zinc +100000/-Rs.
* MCX Copper +97500/-Rs

Now We Are In Profit Of Rs 2116095/-

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