Thursday, June 25, 2020

Please Rollover All Lots Of Zinc May To July Series


Please Rollover All Lots Now

MCX  Zinc  June
Lots( 10 * 5000= 50000 Quantity) Bought At 193.7
Now Cmp: 161.2

Please Rollover In July Series
Now Cmp: 161.5

New Costing For 10 Lots (10 * 5000=50000 Quantity) Zinc Will Be 194

Pay Now & Join Super Signature ``HNI PROFIT PLAN``, Call

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Please Rollover All 12 Lots Of Crudeoil

MCX CrudeOil June

6 Lots Bought At 4292
6 Lots Bought At 3322

Average Cost For All 12 Lots Is 3807

Now Cmp: 3065

Please Rollover All 12 Lots Of Crudeoil In July Series
Now Cmp: 3085

New Costing For All 12 Lots Will be 3827

Hold All As It Is For Best Return..

Pay Now & Join Super Signature ``HNI PROFIT PLAN``, Call

Ask Bank Details For Subscriptions

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Till Time Performance Of Live Given Trades

Till Time Performance:-

* MCX Gold +88000/-Rs.
* MCX Zinc +31500/-Rs.
* MCX CrudeOil -68000/-Rs.
* BankNifty +31500/-Rs.
* NaturalGas +26000/-Rs.
* HDFC Call Option -48000/-Rs.
* Nifty -82800/-Rs.
* IGL +73425/-Rs.
* TataGlobal  +109200/-Rs.
* Lead +31250/-Rs.
* BharatForg +46800/-Rs.
* YesBank +55440/-Rs.
* TataMotors Ce +75000/-Rs
* Nickel +30000/-Rs
* CrudeOil +32500/-Rs
* Silver +75000/-Rs
* PFC +78120/-Rs
* Zinc +57000/-Rs
* MCX Gold +68000/-Rs
* MCX NaturalGas +44250/-Rs
* Nifty CE Option +71250/-Rs
* Tatamotors +35100/-Rs
* CrudeOil +64000/-Rs
* CrudeOil +47500/-Rs
* MCX Gold +64000/-Rs
* MCX NaturalGas +75000/-Rs
* L&T +86400/-Rs
* MCX Copper +82500/-Rs
* L&TFh +145600/-Rs
* BHEL +76810/-Rs
* NATURALGAS +52500/-Rs
* Nifty CE +38250/-Rs
* Nifty CE +25875/-Rs
* Nifty CE -140250/-Rs.
* MCX CrudeOil +75000/-Rs.
* Nifty Future +106875/-Rs
* MCX CrudeOil +78000/-Rs.
* MCX ZincMini +75000/-Rs.
* NATURALGAS +52500/-Rs
* MCX CrudeOil +52500/-Rs.
* MCX Zinc +100000/-Rs.
* MCX Copper +97500/-Rs
* Reliance +247450/-Rs.
* Nifty Future +54000/-Rs.

Now We Are In Profit Of Rs 2,417,545/-

(Its 24.18 Lac)

Pay Now And Join Super Signature Plan, Call

My What`s App Number For Bank Details

  #A3RTIndexSwingTrades Only #NIFTYFUTURE & #BankNiftyFuture For Next Entry Only For Paid Clients... So Please Wait...